Category: Blog

  • Modern-Day Slavery

    Although it may be considered to be an honor for Juneteenth to be acknowledged as a national holiday, there is still an underlying horror and injustice operating within our U.S. establishment, operation, and Constitution. Indeed, slavery was abolished with the establishment of the Emancipation Proclamation. However, slavery continued illegally, mainly within the 13 southern colony…

  • Juneteenth: no freedom in sight

    A celebration that is supposed to mark the end of slavery. A celebration that even the CIPWS (capitalist-imperialist patriarchist white supremacist) system and its plutocrat government have come to recognize. Even the very same parasitic corporations using consumerism and slave-waging workers have joined in on the celebration. The same corporations that are expropriating every ounce of…

  • Lawsuit Filed Against Bradford County Deputy for Assaulting Protester Outside of Prison; Same Deputy Also Facing Sexual Assault Charge

    Lawsuit Filed Against Bradford County Deputy for Assaulting Protester Outside of Prison; Same Deputy Also Facing Sexual Assault Charge

    For immediate release December 6, 2023 [PHOTOS, VIDEOS AND COMPLAINT AVAILABLE] Gainesville, Florida — A civil rights lawsuit has been filed against a Bradford County Sheriff’s deputy resulting from an incident of excessive force that sent a protester in front of Florida State Prison in Raiford to the hospital on December 6, 2020. The same…

  • In response to the censorship of Burn It Down: Communications of Resistance

    In response to the censorship of Burn It Down: Communications of Resistance

    We are speaking as members of Florida Prisoner Solidarity (FPS). We are a group of community members that are both local and statewide, incarcerated and free, students/alumni of UF and those with no affiliation. In the Fall of 2022 we were invited by 4Most Gallery to create a new iteration of a show that debuted…

  • From Inside: Never Forgotten

    Written by Sxooter, in memory of our comrade Karen Smith You will be forever on my mind.You were something rare to me,A modern day Angela Davis.In a righteous domain against capitalism on the front line.Because you had the visions of changeTo abolish the prison industrial complex.To restore justice, reduce harm, and support the oppressed.Every letter…

  • From Inside: My Comrade

    From Inside: My Comrade

    Written by Heru. In memory of our comrade, Karen Smith. To my comrade, Never encountered anyone as genuinely rad.My Partisan,My eguerrillatarian, Guerilla for EgalitarianismWe never met in person,Never seen face to face, but our eyes,See and share the same visionOur souls,Know and share the very same matesOur hearts,Defy the same Plutocrat System,Our Minds,Are on the…

  • From Inside: The Value of Black Life in America, Part 1

    From Inside: The Value of Black Life in America, Part 1

    December 13, 2020 By Shabazz M Muhammad (Eric L. Wilridge) The Blackman “had no rights that a white man was bound to respect” – U.S. Supreme Court opinion in Dred Scott Dred Scott is buried about a mile down the road from where Mike Brown was murdered. The same mindset that allowed a police officer…

  • From Inside: Objection to FDOC’s move to Eliminate Paper Mail

    From Inside: Objection to FDOC’s move to Eliminate Paper Mail

    By Melvin Pérez This is a sample objection to the Florida Dept. of Corrections’ effort to eliminate paper mail. This is written in response to the proposal to eliminate paper correspondence into institutions under the authority of the Florida Department of Corrections. I object to this proposal, for several reasons, which I will online below:…

  • Black Prisoners Targeted For Speaking Out About Worsening Conditions Amidst COVID-19 in Florida

    Black Prisoners Targeted For Speaking Out About Worsening Conditions Amidst COVID-19 in Florida

    By Karen Smith, Florida Prisoner Solidarity The COVID-19 death toll nears 200 inside Florida prisons, the Florida Department of Corrections (FDOC) wastes time, effort and resources conducting a witch hunt for whistleblowers who threaten the lack of transparency maintained by staff. So far, the state has disappeared several elder black men who have a history…

  • In Honor of Karen Smith, in Solidarity with Keith Soanes and All Those Incarcerated

    In Honor of Karen Smith, in Solidarity with Keith Soanes and All Those Incarcerated

    Florida Prisoner Solidarity statement on Dec 6th Noise Demo in Raiford On November 29, 2020, Florida Prisoner Solidarity (FPS, formerly Gainesville IWOC) lost a founder and main organizer, Karen Smith, in a fatal car accident. A week of memorial events with family and friends culminated in a powerful demonstration in her honor at the gates…