Kite Line Interview- November 20, 2020: Punished for Self-Preservation
Tune into this week’s episode of Kite Line Radio to hear two FPS comrades speak on the growing and shifting policies of repression used by the FDOC, and how these things relate to the new RICO legislation put forth by Governor DeSantis. Topics covered include the new security designations used by the FDOC to isolate…
Comrade Rashid on Police Repression Inside and Outside
From inside Wabash Valley Correctional, Kevin Rashid Johnson discusses the racist and capitalist connections between brutality that prisoners experience daily at the hands of guards and the police repression we are seeing in the streets against protestors. And what it’s gonna take to combat it. Transcription:“Okay…overall, there is an organic connection between the oppression that…
New FDOC Rule Change Eliminates Paper Mail
In their latest power grab, the FDOC has announced a new rule titled “Processing Routine Mail Electronically.” The body of the rule has not yet been released but there are already damaging implications. The rule will eliminate paper mail, requiring all prisoner correspondence to be conducted via tablets. Among concerns are those regarding prisoner’s right…
Vigil for 80+ Prisoners Murdered By State via COVID-19 at Capitol & FDOC
August 22nd, 2020. Historic Florida State Capitol Building, 400 S. Monroe St., Tallahassee, FL 32301 On August 22nd 2020 organizations across Florida hosted a public funeral service and procession in remembrance of the dozens of prisoners’ lives senselessly lost from COVID-19 due to the negligence of officials in Florida who oversee operations at both state…
Gainesville IWOC Announces Disaffiliation from the IWW and IWOC
Oakland IWOC’s recent disaffiliation from the IWW has brought up questions and concerns that Gainesville IWOC has been grappling with for a while. The dysfunction and shortcomings of the IWW working group structure in relation to supporting inside resistance was easy to overlook because of the support offered within a network of dedicated IWOC comrades.…
Florida Seeks to Create Administrative Management Units in State Prison System
While most state agencies are scrambling to mitigate the effects of COVID-19, the Florida Department of Corrections (FDOC) is taking the opportunity to capitalize on the chaos by pushing through new, fucked up rules about how they are allowed to treat incarcerated people. During the same week that fdoc saw its first COVID related prisoner…
From Inside: Prisoners Beg Governor DeSantis to Act
April 17th, 2020 Governor Ron DeSantis700 N Adams St.Tallahassee, FL 32303 Dear Governor DeSantis: Floridians inside prisons and their loved ones on the outside are depending on you to act. It is the State’s responsibility to protect the people in their custody. The majority of incarcerated people are not serving life sentences, but in the…
Activist Chains Self to Barrels in Front of Governor’s Mansion to Demand Release of Prisoners At Risk of COVID-19
April 17th, 2020 A protest took place outside Governor Ron DeSantis’ mansion in Tallahassee, FL demanding the Governor take immediate action to protect prisoners from COVID-19. Protestors are demanding that Governor Ron DeSantis and Florida Department of Corrections Secretary Mark Inch take immediate steps to: 1) Release people from state prisons, juvenile and immigrant detention…
From Inside: Your Right To Medical Care
By Melvin In this article I will give a basic introduction of a prisoner’s right to medical care. However, this information would be of very little help without information as to the enforcement of such right. Therefore, some basic information about civil rights litigation will be covered in this article as well. Still, before a…
From Inside: Heru’s Letter is Hand Delivered to Governor DeSantis
4/11/2020 Dear Governor Desantis, My name is Keith Soanes, DC# 191981. A Florida prisoner, housed at Martin CI, serving life sentence for robbery with a firearm. By now you may have come to the conclusion the type of prisoner I am. It may be true that I do not fit the Florida DOC or any…